
Who's on the committee?


This is the current committee line up after the AGM 2017.

Chairman (North West)
Peter Lyones
Roger Barr
Magazine Editor 
James Doulton
Regalia (South Coast)
Dave Adams
Membership Secretary (North West)
Adrian Southgate
Webmaster (South)
John Barker
Logistics (Midlands)
Nick Chick
Research (South Coast)
(South West)
(South Midlands)
Alfie Murie


Chairman - Peter Lyones


Treasurer - Roger Barr


Magazine Editor - James Doulton


Regalia -


Secretary - Dave Adams


Membership Secretary - Adrian Southgate

36 Eskdale Avenue, Blackrod, Bolton, Lancashire, BL6 5SE.


Well, seeing as I was elected to the committee at Stoneleigh 2010 I thought I had better pull my finger out and introduce myself to all those Dutton owners that don't already know me.

My name is Adrian Southgate, I was born in 1962 and originally I come from North West Kent. I moved up north to Bolton in 2001 and love it despite the rain. I am a member of the 'Northern Duttoneers' and we like to get out and about in our Dutton’s, our touring exploits can be found on the website.

I work for an IT reclamation company in Manchester and funnily enough a few odd bits from work have ended up being used in the current Legerra but more on that elsewhere.

I am more than happy to help any of the club members who have issues with computers, laptops etc and have a dedicated e-mail address (rebuilda at, please put DOC and your membership number in the subject box) for doing IT stuff as I do get a few e-mails and don't want to mix them all up.

My first Dutton was an accidental purchase. I saw this car advertised on exchange and mart for £50 with no MOT and as a non-runner, wanted the RS four spokes for the Anglia I was driving at the time. It was close by so I went round, viewed it, paid for it and went back to collect it on the Sunday, A framed it 9 miles back to my house and parked it in the drive. It sat for a couple of weeks until I finally decided on a Saturday to try and get it started. A hole in the fuel tank, a broken low tension wire on the dizzy. and a bit of cough and splutter and away it went. Never looked back and have now owned 6 in total.

Over the years I have noticed that Dutton’s seem to breed when you’re not looking. The most I have ever had in one place is four, the white shell having been burnt out in October of 2001. I currently own four, two Legerras, one Sierra and a Phaeton. Despite all their faults and quirks they are still a solid part of British motoring history. The green Legerra gets used as a daily driver, 28 miles a day in all weathers... It didn't like the snow much though. Over six years and 41,000 odd miles and the old girl is still rolling on. Built pretty much as designed, with a few minor body modifications it’s a typical example. couple of star cracks and faded gel coat, slightly leaky roof and very little control over the heater. Quite a practical car to go to work in but at the slightest excuse the roof comes off which does produce some funny looks from other motorists during the winter when it’s been snowing and its -3 outside.

As membership secretary I will be dealing with any enquiries relating to membership's, along with vehicle records and enquiries. I will only release vehicle information to current club members. Enquiries relating to vehicles on ebay and various other sites however will be dealt with on a case by case basis. Enquiries relating to exported vehicles will also fall in my basket. Vehicle enquiries can also be directed to Daryl .

I can be contacted by e-mail or phone 07594356290


Webmaster - John Barker

My name is John Barker, I'm 36 and I live in Aldershot, Hampshire. I own a Yellow Pheaton P3. I love to take the car out any time of the year as long as I can put the roof down.

I got into Kitcars shortly after deciding that riding my motorbike was getting a bit risky.

I can be contacted by e-mail


Logistics - Nick Chick


Research -


Alfie Murie


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